rushes vidéos 4K/HD Galeocerdo
111–202 sur 202 rushes
Requin Tigre très proche suivi par des requins nourrice sur le sable
Requin Tigre Trois requins dont un revient, vu de dessus
Requin Tigre trois requins en plan large
Requin Tigre va vers nourriture / feeding
Requin Tigre vient contre caméra et requin citron
Requin Tigre vient et repart
Requin tigre vient face caméra et apnéiste arrive
Requin tigre vient sur caméra et tourne gros plan ++
Requin Tigre vient taper caméra ++
Requin Tigre vient vers caméra
Requin Tigre vient vers les photographes et part sous le bateau
Requin Tigre vient vers les photographes et part sous le bateau
Requin Tigre vient vers les photographes et part sous le bateau
Requin Tigre, apnéiste et cadreur
Requin Tigre, apnéiste et cadreur 2
Requin Tigre, apnéiste et cadreur 3
Requin Tigre, confusion tigre photographes
Requin tigre, entrée et sortie de champs, plan moyen +
Requins citron et requins tigre face caméra au sol
Requins Citron et Tigre viennent vers la caméra
Requins Marteau et Tigre qui viennent voir les photographes
Requins Tigre passent devant photographe
Requins Tigre & Citron
Requins Tigre et Marteau viennent vers la caméra et s’en vont
Requins Tigre Nourrice & Citron viennent devant caméra
Requins Tigre qui passe devant caméra, avec plongeurs
School of lemon sharks and Tiger shark coming on caméra laying on the bottom
Shark and free diver
Tiger shark in the foreground and free diver +
Tiger shark in the foreground and free diver +
Tiger shark & Lemon
Tiger shark / Lemon
Tiger shark 2 sharks at the sandy bottom
Tiger shark alone on sand, high angle shot
Tiger shark alone, high angle shot
Tiger shark and diver
Tiger shark and diver PMT on surface
Tiger shark and diver swimming to surface
Tiger shark and free diver
Tiger shark and free diver, close on the bottom
Tiger shark and free diver, close up ++
Tiger shark and free diver, close up ++
Tiger shark and School of lemon sharks
Tiger shark close up head and teeth ++
Tiger shark coming alone, long take at the sandy bottom
Tiger shark coming and going back
Tiger shark coming and going back
Tiger shark coming and going to food
Tiger shark coming and hitting caméra ++
Tiger shark coming face to cam and free diver coming
Tiger shark coming facing, medium, long take
Tiger shark coming from the back
Tiger shark coming on caméra and turning, close ++
Tiger shark coming to caméra
Tiger shark facing and turning, long shot
Tiger shark facing caméra +
Tiger shark following the caméra
Tiger shark going to food / feeding
Tiger shark hitting caméra
Tiger shark in front of caméra and lemon shark
Tiger shark in midwater, caméra field exit
Tiger shark in the blue, low angle shot +
Tiger shark moving forward
Tiger shark moving to caméra and passing, medium, long take +
Tiger shark passing over caméra field entry and going
Tiger shark passingtering and, caméra field exit
Tiger shark photograph
Tiger shark shallow depth
Tiger shark swimming with lemon shark
Tiger shark very close to ++
Tiger shark very close, face to cam
Tiger shark very, close and, long shot
Tiger shark with hook
Tiger shark with hook in the mouth
Tiger shark with photograph
Tiger shark with photograph
Tiger shark with photographer under the boat
Tiger shark, close, caméra field exit
Tiger shark, close, then diver passing on the bottom
Tiger shark, dive markers
Tiger shark, entering and, caméra field exit, medium, long take +
Tiger shark, far away
Tiger shark, field entry
Tiger shark, field entry, high angle shot
Tiger shark, free diver and operator
Tiger shark, free diver and operator 2
Tiger shark, free diver and operator 3
Tiger shark, long shot
Tiger shark, long shot
Tiger shark, medium, long take, caméra field exit
Tiger sharks, 3 sharks, one coming back, high angle shot
Tiger sharks, three sharks, long shot